
srimad samyameendra theertha swamiji photos


swamiji in seva samiti hall , goshripuram
Gosripuram Bhakta Jana Samooham appreciates whole hearted effort done by GSA for the upliftment of the G.S.B community. They promise the words of the H.H Samyameendra Tirtha Swamiji for conducting Sandya Vandhanam Classes to our Mahajan's. As a part they've started the same from 20th June 2010. They've extended the same upto 4th July 2010. They are also planning to continue Sandhya Vandhana on all Sundays.

These are the photographs from the Sandya Vandhanam classes

Bala saraswathi satsang


The Bala Saraswathi Satsang is one of the leading active group in Gosripuram. It is leaded by sri.Umesh Kamath. There are 200's of Kids who are regular in its activities. The group weekly conducts Satsangs at Vyas Mandir in Cochin Tirumala Temple, their activities includes teaching Dharmic recitations and the Bhajans to the upcoming generation. The group started their activities during 2005 on the Vijayadashami day in the presence of Kashi Matadhi Pathi H.H. Srimad Sudhindra Tirtha Swami and H.H.Srimad Samyameendra Tirtha Swami. Ideology to start this group was given by H.H.Srimad Sudhindra Tirtha Swami. Star XI cricket club and samskruthi Bhajana Mandaly jointed to form Bala Saraswathi Satsang. The Bala Saraswathi Satsang was named by Kashi Matadhi Pathi H.H. Srimad Sudhindra Tirtha Swami. Initially there were only a few kids, but at the 5th anniversary this group has grown up to sky.

We Gosripuram Bhakta Jana Samooham really appreciate the initiative done by Mr. Umesh Kamath (Profounder of Bala Saraswathi Satsang) for his commitment towards the welfare of the G.S.B Gosripuram community. This group will build a strong foundation in the hearts of the upcoming generation. In this Electronic world the value of the Dharma and the Samaj has declined a lot, but this group is making an effort for the upliftment of the declined values. The upcoming generation has to take the profit from it to build a better community than present. May the Gosripuresha bless sri Umesh Kamath and team to build a strong upcoming G.S.B community.

courtesy : gosripurambhaktajanasamooham